Gim Proses Donor Darah Sebagai Alat Promosi Donor Darah
DOI: Kunci:
Donor, PMI, Gim, PromosiAbstrak
Kebutuhan akan darah pada proses transfusi darah terus meningkat tiap tahunnya. Peningkatan terhadap kebutuhan darah perlu diantisipasi melalui peningkatan kesadaran para masyarakat akan pentingnya aktivitas donor darah. Promosi terkait pentingnya donor darah terus dilakukan oleh PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) selaku organisasi pemerintah yang berwenang mengelola aktivitas tersebut. Upaya-upaya tersebut umumnya dilakukan melalui pengembangan berbagai macam aktivitas yang melibatkan elemen masyarakat (baik orang tua, remaja, maupun anak-anak) agar dapat mengakses informasi terkait proses donor darah. Untuk mendukung aktivitas tersebut dibutuhkan suatu alat promosi yang dapat membantu masyarakat lebih mengenal proses donor darah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan sebuah alat promosi aktivitas donor darah dalam bentuk gim. Pengembangan gim diawali dengan menggali elemen gim potensial yang ada pada proses donor darah. Elemen gim tersebut kemudian digunakan sebagai dasar pada proses perancangan gim. Perancangan gim dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode perancangan storyboard. Hasil pengujian oleh pakar gim, relawan PMI, dan pengguna gim (kalangan anak-anak) melalui metode wawancara, didapatkan bahwa gim yang dibuat pada penelitian ini telah berhasil dibuat dengan baik.Unduhan
Data unduhan belum tersedia.
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Borkent‐Raven, B.A., Janssen, M.P. and Van Der Poel, C.L. (2010a), ‘Demographic Changes and Predicting Blood Supply and Demand in The Netherlands’, Transfusion, 50(11), pp. 2455-2460.
Borkent‐Raven, B.A., Janssen, M.P., Van Der Poel, C.L., Schaasberg, W.P., Bonsel, G.J. and Van Hout, B.A. (2010b), ‘The PROTON Study: Profiles of Blood Product Transfusion Recipients in The Netherlands’, Vox Sanguinis, 99(1), pp. 54-64.
Chang, K.E., Wu, L.J., Weng, S.E. and Sung, Y.T. (2012), ‘Embedding Game-Based Problem-Solving Phase into Problem-Posing System for Mathematics Learning’, Computers & Education, 58(2), pp. 775-786.
Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (2000), ‘The "What" and "Why" of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and The Self-Determination of Behavior’, Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), pp. 227-268.
Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., Agre, G. and Angelova, G. (2015), ‘Gamification in Education: a Systematic Mapping Study’, Educational Technology & Society, 18(3), pp. 75-89.
Domingos, D.C., Lima, L.F., Messias, T.F., Feijó, J.V., Diniz, A.A. and Soares, H.B. (2016), ‘Blood hero: An Application for Encouraging The Blood Donation by Applying Gamification’, In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 5624-5627.
Dos Santos, A.L., Maurício, R.D.A., Figueiredo, E. and Dayrell, M. (2018), ‘Game Elements for Learning Programming: A Mapping Study’, CSEDU, 40, pp. 89-101.
Drackley, A., Newbold, K.B., Paez, A. and Heddle, N. (2012), ‘Forecasting Ontario's Blood Supply and Demand’, Transfusion, 52(2), pp. 366-374.
Erhel, S. and Jamet, E. (2013), ‘Digital Game-Based Learning: Impact of Instructions and Feedback on Motivation and Learning Effectiveness’, Computers & Education, 67, pp. 156-167.
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García, F., Pedreira, O., Piattini, M., Cerdeira-Pena, A. and Penabad, M. (2017), ‘A framework for gamification in software engineering’, Journal of Systems and Software, 132, pp. 21-40.
Greinacher, A., Fendrich, K., Alpen, U., and Hoffmann, W. (2007), ‘Impact of Demographic Changes on the Blood Supply: Mecklenburg‐West Pomerania as A Model Region for Europe’, Transfusion, 47(3), pp. 395-401.
Hung, C.Y., Sun, J.C.Y. and Yu, P.T. (2015), ‘The Benefits of A Challenge: Student Motivation and Flow Experience in Tablet-PC-Game-Based Learning’, Interactive Learning Environments, 23(2), pp. 172-190.
Hwang, G.J., Sung, H.Y., Hung, C.M., Huang, I. and Tsai, C.C. (2012), ‘Development of A Personalized Educational Computer Game Based on Students’ Learning Styles’, Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(4), pp. 623-638.
Inal, Y. and Cagiltay, K. (2007), ‘Flow Experiences of Children in An Interactive Social Game Environment’, British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), pp. 455-464.
Mustafee, N. and Katsaliaki, K. (2010), ‘The Blood Supply Game’, In Proceedings of The Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 327-338.
Peng, W., Crouse, J.C. and Lin, J.H. (2013), ‘Using Active Video Games for Physical Activity Promotion: a Systematic Review of The Current State of Research’, Health Education & Behavior, 40(2), pp. 171-192.
Ryan, R.M., Rigby, C.S. and Przybylski, A. (2006), ‘The Motivational Pull of Video Games: A Self-Determination Theory Approach’, Motivation and Emotion, 30(4), pp. 344-360.
Suwardie, A.W., Sopha, B.M. and Herliansyah, M.K. (2013), ‘A Simulation Model of Blood Supply Chain at Indonesian Regional Red-Cross’, Proceedings of The 2013 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems.
Vanany, I., Maryani, A., Amaliah, B., Rinaldy, F. and Muhammad, F. (2015), ‘Blood Traceability System for Indonesian Blood Supply Chain’, Procedia Manufacturing, 4, pp. 535-542.
Werbach, K. and Hunter, D. (2012), ‘For The Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business’, Wharton Digital Press, pp. 69-83.
Borkent‐Raven, B.A., Janssen, M.P. and Van Der Poel, C.L. (2010a), ‘Demographic Changes and Predicting Blood Supply and Demand in The Netherlands’, Transfusion, 50(11), pp. 2455-2460.
Borkent‐Raven, B.A., Janssen, M.P., Van Der Poel, C.L., Schaasberg, W.P., Bonsel, G.J. and Van Hout, B.A. (2010b), ‘The PROTON Study: Profiles of Blood Product Transfusion Recipients in The Netherlands’, Vox Sanguinis, 99(1), pp. 54-64.
Chang, K.E., Wu, L.J., Weng, S.E. and Sung, Y.T. (2012), ‘Embedding Game-Based Problem-Solving Phase into Problem-Posing System for Mathematics Learning’, Computers & Education, 58(2), pp. 775-786.
Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (2000), ‘The "What" and "Why" of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and The Self-Determination of Behavior’, Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), pp. 227-268.
Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., Agre, G. and Angelova, G. (2015), ‘Gamification in Education: a Systematic Mapping Study’, Educational Technology & Society, 18(3), pp. 75-89.
Domingos, D.C., Lima, L.F., Messias, T.F., Feijó, J.V., Diniz, A.A. and Soares, H.B. (2016), ‘Blood hero: An Application for Encouraging The Blood Donation by Applying Gamification’, In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 5624-5627.
Dos Santos, A.L., Maurício, R.D.A., Figueiredo, E. and Dayrell, M. (2018), ‘Game Elements for Learning Programming: A Mapping Study’, CSEDU, 40, pp. 89-101.
Drackley, A., Newbold, K.B., Paez, A. and Heddle, N. (2012), ‘Forecasting Ontario's Blood Supply and Demand’, Transfusion, 52(2), pp. 366-374.
Erhel, S. and Jamet, E. (2013), ‘Digital Game-Based Learning: Impact of Instructions and Feedback on Motivation and Learning Effectiveness’, Computers & Education, 67, pp. 156-167.
Fessehaye, N., Naik, D. and Fessehaye, T. (2011), ‘Transfusion Transmitted Infections – A Retrospective Analysis from The National Blood Transfusion Service in Eritrea’, Pan African Medical Journal, 9(1).
García, F., Pedreira, O., Piattini, M., Cerdeira-Pena, A. and Penabad, M. (2017), ‘A framework for gamification in software engineering’, Journal of Systems and Software, 132, pp. 21-40.
Greinacher, A., Fendrich, K., Alpen, U., and Hoffmann, W. (2007), ‘Impact of Demographic Changes on the Blood Supply: Mecklenburg‐West Pomerania as A Model Region for Europe’, Transfusion, 47(3), pp. 395-401.
Hung, C.Y., Sun, J.C.Y. and Yu, P.T. (2015), ‘The Benefits of A Challenge: Student Motivation and Flow Experience in Tablet-PC-Game-Based Learning’, Interactive Learning Environments, 23(2), pp. 172-190.
Hwang, G.J., Sung, H.Y., Hung, C.M., Huang, I. and Tsai, C.C. (2012), ‘Development of A Personalized Educational Computer Game Based on Students’ Learning Styles’, Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(4), pp. 623-638.
Inal, Y. and Cagiltay, K. (2007), ‘Flow Experiences of Children in An Interactive Social Game Environment’, British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), pp. 455-464.
Mustafee, N. and Katsaliaki, K. (2010), ‘The Blood Supply Game’, In Proceedings of The Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 327-338.
Peng, W., Crouse, J.C. and Lin, J.H. (2013), ‘Using Active Video Games for Physical Activity Promotion: a Systematic Review of The Current State of Research’, Health Education & Behavior, 40(2), pp. 171-192.
Ryan, R.M., Rigby, C.S. and Przybylski, A. (2006), ‘The Motivational Pull of Video Games: A Self-Determination Theory Approach’, Motivation and Emotion, 30(4), pp. 344-360.
Suwardie, A.W., Sopha, B.M. and Herliansyah, M.K. (2013), ‘A Simulation Model of Blood Supply Chain at Indonesian Regional Red-Cross’, Proceedings of The 2013 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems.
Vanany, I., Maryani, A., Amaliah, B., Rinaldy, F. and Muhammad, F. (2015), ‘Blood Traceability System for Indonesian Blood Supply Chain’, Procedia Manufacturing, 4, pp. 535-542.
Werbach, K. and Hunter, D. (2012), ‘For The Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business’, Wharton Digital Press, pp. 69-83.